Produkty powiązane
"Crossword with a Smile" is a unique puzzle collection that combines intellectual entertainment with humor and creativity. It features traditional crosswords alongside rebuses, charades, and logic puzzles, all accompanied by humorous illustrations. The collection is designed for all ages and skill levels, making it perfect for travel, home use, or break time entertainment. Each edition includes various types of puzzles that help develop memory, concentration, and logical thinking skills. What sets it apart from standard crossword collections is its focus on fun and entertainment while maintaining intellectual challenge. The puzzles are available in different difficulty levels, making them accessible to both beginners and experienced puzzle enthusiasts.
Product Details
Okres | II kwartał, kwiecień-grudzień |
Polecane produkty
Krzyżówka z Uśmiechem
Częstotliwość - miesięcznik
Ilość numerów w IV kwartale - 3